April 2003


NESBA's April 7th track day at Summit Point Main can be summed up in one word, RAIN. It was the first rain-out I've had in 15 years of track days. I figured it would be, because also for the first time in 15 years, I was prepared a day before the event, not two in the morning the day of.

Alex, Jason, Mary and I met at the Park and Ride on 32 and caravanned out west. We got to the track a little before seven. By 9:30 we were headed back home. Well, the Audi pulled the trailer well, the rain made me hydroplane (I didn't need caffeine that morning.) All in all, I got to hang out with my friends, got half a day of work in. All in all, in each life...

Here are the pictures and videos I took. Better luck next time. At least we got to watch the dogs play.