Back In The Day


OK. Here is where I embarrass myself. I found an old photo album and scanned away. As with all pictures on this site, click for a larger image.

Me in 1967, in the front yard of our house in Washington, D.C. My brother. same day. Silly boys. (It was spelled with an "s" back then.)
The baddest crossing guard in 1972 Parade through downtown D.C. (Click here for a closeup.) Elementary School graduation suit. (Jesse LaSalle, 1973.)
Graduation ceremony Hanging out with some friends at the now defunct Kalorama park in D.C. (Early 70's) Me and a couple of friends. (I actually got a haircut once in a while.)
On my plastic skateboard, 1978. (Mom's Celica GT is in the background.) Doing the skate park thing, way before the Gravity Games! My gymnastics trophy, 1979
High School Yearbook High School Prom Me and my Drifter II, about 1979
HS Graduation Me and my Olympic II, about 1981