Pendants w/o flash. Sink can be seen behind bar. |
 Front view of sink.
Drawer not yet installed. |
 View under stairs.
Plumber ran lines so I'd still have storage. |
 Ductwork near screen.
Yellow line is for gas grill. |
 View down the stairs to
theater. Susan found poster on eBay. |
 Sconces have power! |
 Pub table with light. I
had only built one chair. |
 Same shot with flash. |
 View of bar. |
 Another angle of pub
table; a Target special. |
 Close-up of plumbing
behind sink. |
 Also under stairs is my,
er, network closet. |
 We have water! The sink
was from Lowe's |
 View towards screen.
Speaker closets have been drywalled. |
 View from left speaker
closet. Equipment shelf is in background. |
 I finally finished the
other chair. The set is a little smaller than standard. |
 I spent a day looking for
my compression tool. My daughter sympathized. |
 I guess we had some
drywall left over from the bathroom! Subwoofer cable at bottom. |